Taylah Holdem — Nov 23, 2022

It has been a disrupted but successful season for the Burnside Senior A Girls Volleyball Team.

We began the season with the Mainland Secondary School Champs in March. We managed to win the tournament for the second year in a row, right before all coming down with COVID-19. Not long after that, we were informed that our Canterbury and National Secondary School Champs had been cancelled. This was gutting for the team, especially for our Year 13’s who missed out on playing their last ever school Nationals.

However, we were fortunate enough that the Canterbury Secondary Schools Champs was only postponed and able to be held later in the year in October. It wasn’t quite the same as in the lead up to Nationals but it was still an awesome tournament highlighted by the fact that both the Senior Girls and the Burnside Senior Boys team took out both titles. Special mentions to Cathy Porter and Eliana Collins for making the tournament team, and Rosa Vesty and Taylah Holdem being awarded joint MVP. This result was made all the more special by the fact that our medals were presented by long time volleyball supporter Mr Holstein in his last year as Principal at Burnside High School.

The team is now preparing for our final tournament of the year in which we will be attending the Australian Volleyball Schools Cup held in the Gold Coast from the 4th-10th December. This will be an exciting and challenging opportunity for us and we are looking forward to it!

A BIG thank you to Sam Ryburn, Ben Laing and Theresa Smith for all the time and effort you put into making this programme as successful as it is and for making us better people, on and off the court.