NIWA Canterbury-Westland Schools’ Science and Technology Fair
John Creighton - September 22, 2019
The team we took this year was made up of Felix Backhouse, Thomas James, Liam McMorran, Anna Christensen, Thomas Cochrane, Nathma Kalubovilage Don, Thamiya Kalubovilage Don, Monte Gooch and Rachael Hodgson.
The outcomes were Science, Materials, Foods, Electronics and Digital Technologies. It is positive that such a wide range of areas were completed.
NIWA Canterbury-Westland Schools’ Science and Technology Fair Prizes and Awards:
Thomas James
1st place - NIWA Canterbury-Westland Schools’ Science and Technology Fair
Best in Fair Prizes
First Prize sponsored by NIWA
Peter Keir Memorial Award donated by the Kiwanis
Prize for a project showing innovation in engineering design
University of Canterbury, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
For an exhibit demonstrating excellent use of electrical, electronic and/or computer technology
Year 11-13 Technology
First Place
Anna Christensen
Australian and New Zealand Council for the Care of Animals in Research and Teaching (ANZCCART)
For the best project where the student has undertaken study or research on an animal-based project for which animal ethics approval has been applied for and given; correct procedures and practices have been undertaken in study; and in which the student knows the importance of ethics approval.
NZ Fish & Game Council
For a project that increases the knowledge around freshwater quality or habitat protection.
University of Canterbury, School of Biological Sciences
UC School of Biological Sciences prize for excellence in research or innovation
Environment Canterbury 2nd Place
Resource Management Award from Environment Canterbury
Year 9-10 Science
2nd place Year 9/10
Thomas CochraneEnvironment Canterbury
3rd Place Resource Management Award from Environment Canterbury
Year 9-10 Technology
2nd Place
Nathma Kalubovilage Don
New Zealand Institute of Food Science and Technology
2nd Place Best exhibit on Food, Food Technology, processing or related matters
Felix BackhouseEnvironment Canterbury
Resource Management Award from Environment Canterbury - use of GIS in a project
Year 11-13 Technology
3rd Place