Mark Planner — Apr 14, 2021

Our small squad of nine canoe polo players have enjoyed the long spell of warm temperatures and fine summer weather.

 It has meant that getting soaked during in our Wednesday games on Lake Roto Kohatu, and practices in the school pool, have been a refreshing, rather than a chilling experience. We’re very lucky to have easy access to a pool to develop game skills and so our new players can practise their self-rescue and buddy-rescue skills. 

Our newcomers have been able to build confidence quickly and play a full part in their games. They have also benefitted from advice and encouragement from the core of more established and experienced players, with thanks due to Vicky Wijaya (Yr 11) and Victoria Ding (Yr 11) for sharing their experience, enthusiasm and general encouragement and special thanks to Shauna Boerboom (Yr 13) for her coaching on and off the water. We also need to thank Dan Mackay (Yr 10) for his hard work on the water and for helping to organise his parents to provide transport. Thankyou Kathryn and Ross Mackay for your help. 

The next Canoe Polo season will begin in Term 4. We will be looking for new players as two of our Year 13 students prepare to leave Burnside High School and move on to the senior grades. If you are interested in playing talk to Mr Johnston or Mr Planner, or any of our team.