Poroporoaki and Māori awards celebrate student achievements and our Year 13 Māori leavers
On December 3, our Te Kura o Waimairi-iri whānau came together to share kai, kōrero and acknowledge the achievements of our students.
The night recapped the highlights of the year including Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori, whānau hui, the acquisition of school Korowai for significant occasions. Our Kapa Haka students also showcased their new piupiu uniforms which were contributed by the PTA and the Rata Foundation.
Most importantly, the night celebrated a range of outstanding achievements of our students. Students were recognised for academic success and effort, performance in sport, performance in culture, leadership and tikanga.
Amelia MacDonald was awarded the Te Taonga Roopu-Reipa Māori prize for service to Tikanga. Anika De La Mare received the Mauri Ora award for her work as a leader and tuakana mentor.
The following students were named as the 2020 Māori leaders:
Anika de la Mare was named Head Māori leader with Shayla Earle, Zak McKellar, Ella Griffiths, Riley Thompson, Jess Biddle, Rerekiao Perenara-O’Connell and Mahina Kanavatoa named as Māori leaders.