Burnside Environment Group ready for work
2023 has proved to be a challenging year
This has been a very unusual start to the year. The weather has been wild and we have missed five Wednesday sessions in a single term. Unheard of! Nonetheless we now have 120 members and valuable work has been done in both Te Uru and Jellie Park. We have also gathered a wonderful selection of native plants for us to get in the ground in the coming weeks as we start our Autumn projects. A very large willow was removed this term from Te Uru as it had become cracked and dangerous. This caused some damage to our existing plantings but also opportunities for the students in Term Two as we re-plant and restore the area. People walking through the lower grounds will have noticed the disappearance of this very large and old tree. It did many years of valuable work shading and protecting some of our more delicate native plants. A big thank you to Trees for Canterbury and the City Council for some lovely plants and to all our students for their wonderful work.