Hero photograph
World Scholars Cup Global Round Seniors
Photo by Sandra Pooch

World Scholars Cup Global Round

Sandra Pooch —

Ten Burnside Students competed in the Global Round of the World Scholars Cup in Sydney in August this year.

The Burnside students competed against students from twenty-eight countries as individuals and in teams of three. We can be very proud of their achievements

There are six subject academic challenges at the event: Arts and Music, Social Science, History, Science, Literature, and a Special Area - in this case Unsolved Mysteries.These are subjects that students studied before the event. The Seniors did particularly well in these. Team medals are for Collaborative Writing, Debating, Combined Academic and Scholars Bowl General Knowledge.

The top Burnside Scholars were Blaithan Altenburg 11NMCA in the Senior Division and Ameya Raut 9SOSC in the Junior Division.

All our students qualified for the Tournament of Champions at Yale University. For the Seniors it is not a convenient time with NCEA examinations so they are not attending. We are taking a team of three junior students to this event. The three person team is Conor McCullough 9WRIC, Ameya Raut 9SOSC and Lucia Guo 9SHTR. This exciting event will happen in early November.