L-R: Ethan Ng, E Wen Wong, Robin Kunwar, Antonios Eskander, Lewis Grey, Jonathan Voon, Angie Park
by John WatsonEngineering Science Competition
John Watson - August 2, 2019
That was the challenging question this year for the University of Auckland's annual Engineering Science Competition.
Two teams from Burnside (Ethan Ng, E Wen Wong and Robin Kunwar in one team and Antonios Eskander, Lewis Grey, Jonathon Voon and Angie Park in the other) participated on Saturday August 3 in a challenge lasting eight hours. No help could be provided by anyone outside the team, making this a true test of their research, mathematical modelling, report writing and collaboration skills, and of course also their resilience!
Winners will be announced later in the year. The teams found it an interesting and challenging learning experience.