Bernadette Shaw — Nov 20, 2017

During Theatresports this year we have all had plenty of laughs, probably embarrassed ourselves one too many times, said some witty one liners, of course had memorable moments, and got to know everyone well.

So you may be thinking..”what actually is theatresports?” Theatresports is a form of improvisational theatre where you perform games in front of an audience, for entertainment. Much like the show, ‘Whose Line Is it Anyway’. Throughout the duration of the year, Burnside Junior Theatresports have been working hard towards the theatresports competitions in November, run by the Court Theatre. High schools in Canterbury compete in heats, and the winning team from each heat goes through to the final. The competition format consists of the warm up round, (a game with all the teams), the blind round, ( a random game given by the MC’s), The choice round, (a game where you and your team decide) and the challenge round, (where you issue another team a game.) Each team can have 3-6 players/actors in a team.

Some of us also attended multiple workshops at the Court Theatre. We met some of the other schools’ teams, and played some games featured in the manual. The workshops helped us become more confident and comfortable on stage, as well as learning new tips and tricks.