Hero photograph
Drama Special Award Winners
Photo by Erin Ryder

Drama Awards

Charlotte Ensor —

The Inaugural Drama Awards happened in Term 4

On Tuesday, October 24th, the drama students and tech crew came together to celebrate the accomplishments in 2023.

Certificates were awarded for Service to Drama or Technical Arts and Achievement in Drama (based on awards earned in competitions etc. throughout 2023). 

The evening also concluded with a special farewell to Mr Richard Wiltshire after many years of service to the school and the help he's regularly given to the drama department.

Congratulations to all staff and students of the drama department and tech crew on a successful 2023!

Special Awards

Lucas French - The Drama Class of '93 Cup for Greatest Effort in Drama

Bridie Blundell - The Swadi Trophy for Leadership in Drama

Zia Veer - The 1976 School Council Cup for Contribution to Drama

Gray Dawson - The Jill Cutler cup for Senior Drama

Michael Barrett - The Lite Site Award for Contribution to Technical Excellence

Sarah McGowan - The Burnside High School Cup for Leadership in Technical Arts

Jess Williams - The Brightlights Cup for Excellence in Stagecraft