Andrea Griffin — Mar 21, 2022

The Canterbury region continues to see an increase in positive cases, as does our school. The projection is that our region will peak in numbers over the coming weeks.

In order to maintain continuity we will keep with our hybrid learning model for next week.

This means:

If there is a wet day, students at school will remain on-site for the five periods. There will be a shorter lunch and students will leave earlier at 2.05 pm on Monday or 2.00 pm on Tuesday, Thursday or Friday.

We will continue to review our hybrid learning model weekly.

We ask that you continue to notify us of students that have tested positive for COVID-19 or are household contacts.

Please be understanding that at this time teachers are also isolating as household contacts or ill with COVID-19. Learning continues on-line with Schoology. Teachers have substantial material loaded on this learning platform but students may not get immediate responses should a teacher be away sick.

Thank you for your continued support during this time.

Ngā mihi nui

Andrea Griffin
Associate Principal