Hero photograph
Photo by Alan Robertson

Emergency Procedures

Alan Robertson —

At Burnside High School, our response plan to an emergency situation is based around two procedures; a STAY PLAN where we lockdown inside buildings in response to an external threat, and a GO PLAN which involves clearing buildings and having the school community assemble at a muster point where all individuals can be accounted for.

To ensure the safety of staff and students at Burnside High School in an emergency situation, we are having a Trial Lockdown, Earthquake Response and Evacuation on Monday 12 February 2024.

This will be done in three parts so students are aware of how to respond to different situations:

  1. Lockdown - a voice notification will be aired across the school to inform staff and students that a sample of the lockdown alert is about to be played as a demonstration. Staff have been briefed to take students through the lockdown response and will complete a checklist with their class. This is the STAY PLAN.

  2. Earthquake - staff will instruct students as to the appropriate action to take in the event of an earthquake in their classroom. The response here is to DROP and HOLD, and then wait for an alert to evacuate if necessary.

  3. Fire / Evacuation - the whole school will evacuate and buildings are cleared by designated Search Wardens. The whole school will be briefed at the Evacuation Point on the Memorial Grounds. This is the GO PLAN.

We are required to run this drill on an annual basis with a Trial Evacuation each term.

In the event of an emergency at school, we will notify and update our community via email, messages on our Schoology platform and on our school website.

Alan Robertson

Deputy Principal