Hero photograph
Burnside Leaders
Photo by Jon Land

Burnside Leaders at work in Term 3

Jon Land —

Our Leaders have been busy this term working on an extra-curricular audit and helping with New Zealand's Environment Week.

Burnside Leaders in years 9 to 11 have continued to support their Form classes and have also made a valuable contribution to our understanding of patterns of engagement in extra - curricular activities both at school and beyond. A survey was undertaken in Junior form classes to assess levels of participation across a range of sporting and cultural activities. The results were encouraging and demonstrated that nearly 70% of our students who responded,  take part in a sporting activity either at school or in a local club, and that one third of our students participate in a cultural activity. It was also most interesting to see the vast range of activities on offer to our students. 

Leaders have also worked with the Environment Group in promoting environmental awareness. A Kahoot quiz produced by the school's Sustainability Council has been shared across form classes and has hopefully raised awareness about the precious and fragile nature of New Zealand's eco-systems.  Students who wish to make a contribution towards building bio-diversity in our locality might want to take the next step and join the Burnside Environment Group.