Top Achievers

Emphasis on individuals and achievement

At Burnside High School, we place an emphasis on individuals, and on achievement.

At aim is to have each student leave the school with qualifications that will enable them to enter the world of work and/or tertiary study successfully. All students are expected to develop career plans linked to their studies and qualifications.

Perry into support is a vital element of any school's identity, and we are fortunate to enjoy a strong and close working relationship with the community.

The board of trustees has a very positive relationship with the staff and the wider community.

We have an active parent-teacher association which aims to forge links between parents and the school. All appearances are encouraged to support the parent-teacher association.

At Burnside High School students are taught to strive for excellence, not just an achieved grade. This is evident in the statistics from 2022 in NCEA results where a high number of our students have received a merit or excellence endorsement.

The 83 scholarships gained, 15 at an outstanding level, are not a reflection of the size of the school. They represent an outstanding achievement when compared with any school in New Zealand.

Scholarship Awards

Burnside high school attracts many students how are academically very able. The school has a focus on achievement and success in academic programmes.

A major advantage of being a large school is that we are able to offer a wide variety of subject options.

Our Innovative subject programs lead, progressively, two senior levels where students are prepared for national examinations. At the same time, we also cater for students with talents and other areas. We encourage all students to discover their talents, and to develop them to their full potential.

Heads of School