Rachel, Ziva and Gabriel and Fr Tony Curtis by Fr Tony Curtis

New Dean of St Paul's Cathedral

Bishop StevenJanuary 19, 2020

A warm welcome to Father Tony Curtis, Rachel, Ziva and Gabriel, who have arrived in Dunedin for Father Tony to take up the position of Dean of St Paul's Cathedral.

I am delighted to welcome the Curtis family to the Diocese and Cathedral and have assured them of the love, prayers and warm welcome from our Diocesan family as they settle in.

Fr Tony will be presented with his Licence at the 10am service at the Cathedral this Sunday 26 January 2020 by the Vicar-General, Rev'd Canon Gary Griffith-Smith, in my absence.

The formal Installation of Fr Tony is at 4pm Sunday 23 February 2020 with a warm invitation to all our Diocesan family - Clergy and Lay to attend this Eucharistic celebration. Clergy and Lay Ministers are to robe please - white stoles. Please see the attached invitation for more details.


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