CES — Oct 14, 2019

Welcome to term 4. It's been an epic year so far.

We had another successful Board of Trustee Elections.  This one was an exciting one for the team at CES. We were lucky enough to roll out the Board Elections Manager to over 200 schools across the country, allowing them to manage their elections online.

While the roll out was not without the usual technical maze and questions (both from us and schools), we are happy to say that it was a massive success.

The feedback we received was overwhelmingly positive, and it was so great to see so many schools jumping in and managing their own candidates.

But don't think you've seen the last of the Elections Manager just yet, we've got some exciting tools launching in the next year that we hope will help your school run even more efficiently.  

Look out for our new Benchmarking Calculator which will be launched on our website very shortly. This calculator will allow schools to select their decile and school roll benchmarks and will provide a report on how other schools around New Zealand are performing in that demographic.  The report will provide the average for the decile and the roll category as well as insights into the highest and lowest demographic performer in each.

This year we also rolled out our new payroll service.  CES now offers payroll activities for a number of clients in a range of sectors. We are good at it, offer reasonable rates, and we are safe and proven with skilful staff. Our payroll finance officer, Carolyn Bentley, is a Certified Payroll Specialist (Level 3) and we are a member of NZ Payroll Practitioners Association.

☎  For more information give Carolyn a call on:  

(03) 339 4953