CES — Aug 15, 2017

As a crown entity, your school must comply with accounting Standard IAS-16. If you are struggling or don't have the time, we can help.

Standard IAS-16 required the value of assets within your school to be specified on an asset register and depreciation assessed to reflect a fair value of your school's accounts. 

CES can assist your school by undertaking a rigorous asset stocktake to determine the accuracy of your current asset register.  We will visit your school , physically check assets on-site, prepare an inventory and reconcile to your asset register.

Your Asset Register Report

Your school will receive a detailed 3-part report:

The complete asset register report will account for ALL ASSETS in your school - even redundant stock without any book value.  After receiving CES's stocktake report you will know exactly what is in each room and every part of your school.

Fixed Asset Register

A fixed asset register will help your school to:

Other Asset Related Services

In addition, we can provide school asset register videos, maintain your fixed asset register for a low annual fee, provide inventory count/labelling, and barcoding. 

For more information on how we can help you manage your assets call us free on 0800 205 267 or take a look at our asset register brochure.

Doing it Yourself?

Then check out our article Updating your fixed asset register which contains some helpful tips on how to make the task much easier.

About Us

CES is a school-owned organisation specialising in the provision of goods and services to the education sector. For more information about the services we provide (including asset management) please visit our website www.cessl.org.nz, call us free on 0800 205 267 or drop us an email at info@cessl.org.nz.