Canterbury Education Services

Welcome back to Term 3!

It's been a busy time in the CES offices, as we begin winding down from the Board of Trustee Elections. What an awesome time it was, and so good to see so many schools using our Board Elections Manager too. 

However, Term 3 isn't slowing down for us! We have a huge range of conferences coming up this term, and would love to see as many of you involved as possible. Check out the featured article for more information on these events. 

Make sure you keep in touch with what's happening in your school and if there's anything we can help with. Feel free to contact Wayne at or 0800 205 267.


Wayne, and the team at CES

  1. Term 3 Events

    It's looking like a busy term for CES, with a number of events around the country scheduled. Read more…
  2. Understanding your school's financial reports

    New BoT just taken office? It could be time for a quick tutorial in managing your financial reports. Read more…
  3. How to benchmark your school.

    Benchmarking is an important tool for measuring your school against others in a number of ways. Read more…
  4. Budget Planning

    It's the time of year when we need to start thinking about budget planning again... Read more…
  5. Board of Trustee Elections 2019

    As we wave goodbye to another year of the Board Elections, we'd like to thank everyone for their help. Read more…
  6. Don't miss our Client Shindig Breakfast!

    Our annual breakfast event is back for another year, and we would love to see you there! Read more…
  7. Staying Safe in Google Search

    Have you ever 'typed in a search term in Google' and had explicit or inappropriate content displayed in your results? Here is a ... Read more…