by Pexels

Privacy Act Course

CES has been working with Camelia Petrus from Core Purpose to create a Privacy Act online course specifically aimed at schools. The course which features 12 parts is designed to have practical, school-relevant information on all aspects of the Privacy Act. A number of resources are part of the online course, all for a reasonable price of $190 ex GST

The privacy officer:

  • The privacy officer is the person who is responsible for encouraging the school to comply with the Privacy Act and handling any requests under the Privacy Act.
  • Every board of trustees (as the school's legal entity) needs to make sure it has appointed a privacy officer.

A privacy officer has four responsibilities under the Privacy Act:

  • Encouraging the school to comply with the Privacy Act
  • Dealing with requests made under the Privacy Act
  • Working with the Privacy Commissioner's office when someone makes a privacy complaint

Course structure and resources

This course aims to provide an overview of privacy rights and responsibilities in the context of schools. It comes down to understanding the act and familiarity with what entails as well as to choices for attitude and behaviour.

  • The course is structured in 12 modules with individual access
  • 36 practical illustrations to aid the application of the Privacy Act in schools
  • Downloadable training manual, for easy access to information
  • Slides handout
  • Each module has review questions (multichoice options)

Course content

The content, in this proposed online format, would be available to them for 90 days, in a password-protected dashboard.

Attendees can also access modules individually and explore the topics individually.

Each topic will have a practical, school-relevant illustration/scenario and review questions/learning checks.

  1. Part One: The Privacy Act and What is personal information?
  2. Part Two: When you can collect PI
  3. Part Three: How to collect and use information
  4. Part Four: Keeping information safe
  5. Part Five: When people want to see their information
  6. Part Six: When people want to change their information
  7. Part Seven: When you think there's a threat
  8. Part Eight: Your privacy officer
  9. Part Nine: The Privacy Act and other laws
  10. Part Ten: When people ask for student information
  11. Part Eleven: Publishing information
  12. Part Twelve: Using third-party software


  1. Action Plan Template
  2. Training Manual
  3. Review Questions Answers
  4. Slide handouts

For more information contact Wayne:
