by Pexels

The Budgeting Process - A Suggested Scheme

July/August/September - Review by Board, Principal, and Budget Holders

Review current and previous years' expenditures, staff workloads, reports to date, and areas for adjustments of the current year's budget.

October - Analysis by Board, Principal, School Secretary, and Budget Holders

Analyse finance available for the coming year, current year's performance to date, and committed and unavoidable expenditures for the coming year.

October - First Draft by Principal, Budget Holders all staff

Staff begin to compile budgets for their own areas or departments based on needs, including full costs for proposals. Consultation within and among areas. Draft budgets collated, and competing interests negotiated in light of school priorities.

October - Further Details by Principal, Budget Holders, and all staff

The process of negotiating, agreeing on priorities, agreeing level of commitment to those priorities, etc.

November - Presentation by Principal, Finance Sub-committee, and all staff

Budgets agreed to internally.  Copies and briefings for staff. The budget is presented to the finance subcommittee.

November - Draft Approval by Principal, Finance Sub-committee, and Board

After consultation with the subcommittee, the budget is presented to the full board for draft approval and confirmation of any delegate authorities contained in it.

March - Final Approval by Principal, Finance Sub-committee, and Board

Review figures with current known changes.

It is important to take into account any money already committed, such as for equipment or textbooks ordered but not yet received.

For more information contact CES Financial Sevices: