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Canterbury Education Services

Term 1 Newsletter 2021.

Welcome to Term 1, 2021!

We hope you've had a fantastic break and are ready to get into a brand new year. Check out our newsletter for the latest news from CES.

Make sure to get in contact with Wayne if any of these articles spark your interest or you would like some more information. Have a great first term back!

☎ 0800 205 267


A Fresh Approach to School Financial Services.

by Wayne Jamieson

Personalized, low-cost solutions for schools for over 30 years.

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Asset Stocktakes: Do you really know what's in your school?

by Wayne Jamieson

As a crown entity, your school must comply with accounting Standard IAS-16. If you are struggling or don't have the time for this task, we can help you.

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Using XERO: We can help!

by Wayne Jamieson

Accounting software with all the time-saving tools you need to grow your school. Trusted by over 2 million subscribers, Xero is secure and reliable.

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New Privacy Act changes - Key Reforms

by Wayne Jamieson

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Win! We have three fabulous books to give away.

by CES

The 40 Hour Principal (A conversation that needs to happen)

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School Property Conference 2017

CES Conferences 2021

by Wayne Jamieson

We all recognise that 2020 was a monumentally difficult year. It obviously affected our conference programme and going forward we are have made some changes to timing which we hope will allow us to proceed with all our events this year.

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School BOT Elections - Use CES's New Digital Tool to Simplify the Process.

by Wayne Jamieson

Replacing the traditional paper-based approach, our easy-to-use digital interface enables real-time interaction between candidates, Returning Officers, and parents, and encourages community-wide support.

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School Benchmarking Tool LIVE

by Wayne Jamieson

How does your school compare? We are excited to announce we have a new online tool that can be used to measure your school's financial performance against other schools. The first of its kind in New Zealand!

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2021 School Budgets and 2020 year end

by Wayne Jamieson

It's a new year and time to start talking about your 2021 budget.

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