Canterbury Education Services

  1. Don't Miss Our Client Shindig Breakfast!

    Our annual breakfast event is back for another year, and we would love to see you there! Read more…
  2. Auckland West Breakfast

    Don't miss our breakfast event for our West Auckland Education Services schools! Read more…
  3. CES Conferences - Why You Need To Be There

    Our dates for our 2023 conferences are confirmed and our offerings at all events include many of the workshops you have asked for. I ... Read more…
  4. Keeping School Board Records

    Over the years, boards make many decisions for many reasons. Good record-keeping will make sure that future boards will have access to ... Read more…
  5. What Is A Balance Sheet?

    A balance sheet is a document that shows a school's financial standing at a specific date and is currently known as the Statement of ... Read more…
  6. Budget Planning and Process

    It's the time of year when we need to start thinking about budget planning again... Read more…
  7. Staying Safe in Google Search

    Have you ever 'typed in a search term in Google' and had explicit or inappropriate content displayed in your results? Here is a ... Read more…
  8. Privacy Act Course

    CES has been working with Camelia Petrus from Core Purpose to create a Privacy Act online course specifically aimed at schools. The ... Read more…
  9. Mid-term Elections 2023 Coming Soon – Let CES Help!

    During the last 13 years, CES has conducted over 1500 school board elections, and our experienced staff have gained an implicit ... Read more…