We're calling it PDF is dead.  by Tom at Hail

The death of the PDF newsletter!

Did you know that on average 70% of your school community is reading your newsletter on a smartphone?

It's all Smart Phone 

If we look at the stats from the hundreds of schools that use Hail to create newsletters we are seeing an amazing statistic.  On average the use of a Smart Device (phone, tablet) to read a newsletter is now around 70%.  

Merrin School December Newsletter Stats.  — Image by: Stuart Dillon-Roberts

Its more important than ever to make sure your school community can read your newsletter.  With 70% using a smartphone its time to ditch PDF!

PDF has done its time. 

The PDF was designed to be a digital 'page' that was locked down for printing.  Perfect for those legal documents etc but not for a school newsletter. It did serve its purpose but it is well a truly a thing of the past.  


A PDF newsletter is frustrating enough on a desktop computer, but the reading experience is so bad on mobile that people simply are not bothering to even try. We've all been there, squinting into a 4-inch screen, trying to read and navigate a school newsletter, white paper or restaurant menu that has been created as a PDF.  

If your readers are having to pinch and scan then you've already lost them.

Check out this stat:  

"Over 71% of subscribers delete emails that don’t look good on their phones!  

Plus there are so many design limitations with PDF:  you can't add video, or heaps of images and make changes without the need to re-publish it.  We've all been there, you create a school newsletter, PDF it and then release there is a mistake in it.  Sigh

So, I am calling this, PDF is dead!

Luckily there is a better way.  Hail has this covered.

Did you know:

  • In Hail, we guarantee that ALL hail newsletters/notices will work on every smartphone 
  • You can share the newsletter to your student management system contracts, social media, and website with a click.
  • You can update a newsletter (to fix that mistake) even after it has been published.  
  • Easy as.  

Our mission is to help you ditch PDF and move to beautiful hail newsletters.  To help you on your way we do free training and set-up.     

Contact us:  support@hail.to