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Welcome to our June Newsletter

Adrienne Sears —

Adrienne Sears, President

While Covid still wreaks havoc in our routines while we isolate or cope with business disruption, the seasonal flu and other ailments are also lurking. As a community we are all getting tired of having to deal with covid but I think it will be around for a very long time, one way or another. This leads me to thinking that while we are frustrated with the impact of covid on our lives, so to are the customers that we see. We will never know what is going on in their lives and what they are having to deal with – not just covid but raising prices and the squeeze on household budgets. Sometimes having to get official forms completed is the last straw for their tolerance. While we should not accept people being rude it sometimes helps to understand the pressures that people may be under.

About a year ago our then President, Graeme Baber, Ken Shields and myself visited the MP’s in the greater Canterbury regions asking their assistance when considering nominations of new Justices of the Peace to help us address our aging workforce through the nominations they endorse. We indicated at that time, there were approximately 35% of our workforce that would likely not wish to be working in five years from then. I am pleased to advise that over the last 12 months, there has been a 15% reduction in the numbers of those members and, more importantly, that 10% of our members are now under the age of 50 as opposed to 5.5% at last year. This increase in the number of younger Justice’s will allow us to continue to provide the services that we do at home, at service desks, at the Courts, Elections and in a variety of other areas. You are asked to look to your immediate community to see who you feel would be a suitable Justice. Sometimes one does not need to look far as many families are involved in community work. Perhaps your children, spouse or extended family could be approached. The Royal Federation Website has a comprehensive section on Advice for Intending Nominees to the Office of Justice of the Peace for New Zealand. Later this week there is an induction training session for 13 provisionally appointed JPs. These include Chinese, NZ European, Indian, Cook Island Māori, American, British and South African European. It is wonderful to see such a mix of ethnicities joining our Association. Their ages range from 42 upwards so a good spread of younger Justices are coming through.

As a volunteer you give your time. This is the most precious resource in our lives. Money can be printed or extra earned. Time cannot. Once you give an hour of your time it is lost forever. Your time volunteering must be valued but we can never put a value on that time. How can you value something that is priceless? As a Justice you bring so much to your community; skills, experience, leadership and inspiration. You choose to give your time, in our time poor world, and that is the most precious commodity. Thank you for the amazing gift of time that you give.