Hero photograph
Photo by Shane Buckner

CPPA Executive Strategic Planning

Shane Buckner —

Recently, your executive met for a two day intensive strategic planning workshop.

Ably led by our President, Lisa Dillon-Roberts, the executive met for two days to work through our strategic plan.

Revisiting goals from 2023, helped us focus on the now and look forward to where the CPPA needs to be in the future.

Our three pillars of Hauora, Rangatiratanga and Kōkiri remain our guiding pou. Some tweaks were made to the wording to better reflect the aspirations of the membership.

President Lisa leading our Strategic Planning session — Image by: Shane Buckner

Communicating and connecting remain top of mind, and as such our database has been updated fully, thanks to our members responding to the recent emails.

We will keep you updated as we work towards the outcomes.