Hero photograph
Photo by Sandy Hastings

CPPA Exec are on Fire!

Sandy Hastings —

Your executive are working extremely hard on your behalf across a range of workstreams.

The executive are working in three teams, towards the three pou of our Strategic Plan:

Hauora - Wellbeing: Kate McClelland, Tom Wallis, Shane Buckner, Lisa Dillon-Roberts, Maree Lucas

Rangatiratanga - Leadership: Sylvia Fidow, Ben Gorman, Maureen Allan, Claire Howison

Kōkiri - Advocacy: Greg Lewis. John Bangma, Mark Ellis, Jason Miles, Gavin Burn, Sandy Hastings

This pānui has information in it from each of our teams, pertaining to the workstreams that they are engaging in on your behalf and to support your mahi. We hope that you find something in the articles below that resonates with you and supports your leadership.

We welcome two more Principals to the membership this month...

Lynley Cumack - Acting Principal at Waimairi School

Nic Hill - newly appointed Principal at Pitt Island School (Chathams)

Professional Growth Cycles...

From this year we are expected to be involved in a Professional Growth Cycle (PGC) as opposed to a traditional appraisal. As part of this, you need to engage in a "Professional Learning Network" (PLN) where you learn about the Standards | Ngā Paerewa and have a colleague from within this network who can confirm your participation and provide a statement about whether you meet the criteria for maintaining your practising certificate.

You may, or may not already be in a PLN or PLG... But we don't want anyone to be left in isolation. If you need help to form or join a PLN or PLG - see the article further below from Pene Abbie.

Stay well, and stay connected!

Sandy Hastings
