Hero photograph
Photo by Shane Buckner

Last few days to register ... Andy Jones: Developing a Whole School Approach to School Leader Health and Wellbeing

Shane Buckner —

19 May is the date for this very important seminar for CPPA members. An interactive and informative day, this experience will challenge and inspire. We are looking forward to hosting our first international speaker in 2 years.

Developing a Whole School Approach to School Leader Health and Wellbeing

 - a one day seminar brought to you by the CPPA Connect team

The core aspect is our exploration and design into the Learning Eco-System as Performance and then consequently - as a Wellbeing Intervention.

We explore three main dimensions:
1. My Internal Landscape (Thoughts, Emotions and Behaviours) and what can I do about it? AKA: Best Possible Self
This initial session provides staff with the opportunity to reconnect with who they want to be as an educator and to explore what gets in the way. It unpacks the challenges presented by our own internal landscape and the importance of effectively navigating our thoughts and emotions.

2. My External Landscape (Social Environment) and what can I do about it? AKA: Mindfulness for Wellbeing and Highly Effective Practice
This session draws from core findings from the scientific research literature to explore what it means to be a Mindful Educator and how mindfulness provides a foundation for highly effective professional interaction in the workplace.

3. My Professional Landscape (Practice Environment) and what can I do about? AKA: System Improvement
In this session, Professional Learning and Collegiate Teams explore the school learning eco-system so as to design approaches for practice and wellbeing enhancement.

Your colleagues will be involved in 3 main tasks/activities which align with these sessions.
1. Creating a model for best possible self using aspects of the ACT model (Acceptance Commitment Therapy)
2. School Case Study Analysis (using one of three fictional school evidence profile dossier and as table teams and using human centred design methods design a systems thinking intervention
3. Design their very own School-based interventions supporting Principal Health, Wellbeing and Performance.

Register on our website for this amazing opportunity from an International speaker and motivator.

8:30am - 4:30pm
Wednesday 19 May 2021

Wigram Hotel - (Ballroom)
14 Henry Wigram Drive, Christchurch

$100 per principal - includes registration, welcome coffee & tea, morning tea, lunch, networking drinks and nibbles

REGISTER now at cppa.ac.nz

Registration closes midday Wednesday 12 May

Supported by our Business partners and sponsors

CPPA Business Partners 2021 — Image by: Shane Buckner