Shane Buckner — Nov 1, 2020

This bespoke Canterbury initiative with the local Ministry of Education, is a very important component of the supports provided to CPPA principals.

The CPPA Principal Mentor programme is an invaluable resource we have specifically for our CPPA member principals, and fills that "just in time" need we often have in our demanding position.

Maureen Kerr and latterly Pete Bradley, have filled this shared position since 2014, supporting a great number of principals over this time. They had developed a great working model together and the next iteration of this has come about as part of succession planning of this very important initiative.

The funding has been confirmed to continue through until 2023.

We will be advertising the shared 0.5 FTTE position made available within the coming weeks, but want to give a heads up now. The successful applicant will be working with Maureen, at least until the end of her contract which finishes at the end of June 2021. The shared 0.5 FTTE position will start the beginning of Term 1 2021 or earlier by negotiation.

This position will be advertised on our website, through the membership email distribution list, on our CPPA facebook page and the NZ Principals (Closed) facebook page and the Education Gazette.

Please see the attached Mentor Role and Person Specification document.

For more information or a confidential chat, contact Sandy Hastings (021 899429) or John Bangma (027 3315187).