Hero photograph
Photo by Sandy Hastings

Breakfast Connect - Wednesday 1 March 7:30am-9:00am, Commodore Airport Hotel

Sandy Hastings —

CPPA are excited to introduce Waleed and Ben from Flourish who will be sharing the new PLD offering they have put together. Book now through the Members Portal. This event is suitable to bring senior leaders and SENCO to as well!

Flourish Education (http://flourish.ac.nz) is a local education provider that specialises in creating culturally appropriate educational solutions for migrant and refugee communities in Canterbury, with a specific focus on the Muslim community. Since its establishment in 2016, Flourish has been providing high-quality educational solutions to families, schools, and communities of learning. Flourish is also approved by the Ministry of Education for both cultural capability and local curriculum PLD priorities.

Flourish offers a range of services, including workshops, engagement sessions, coaching and mentoring for staff, and assistance in setting up new initiatives and reviewing current practices. Our team has extensive experience in building relationships and partnerships with relevant CALD communities and NGOs. By working with Flourish, you can enable rich, authentic learning experiences for your staff about other cultures. Our facilitators come from diverse backgrounds and can speak authentically as educators, parents, and community leaders of CALD (Culturally and Linguistically Diverse) backgrounds.

Flourish will be presenting their taster session to give you a sense of the type of cultural capability PLD support they offer. The session will focus on demystifying the Muslim identity and the common practices/scenarios that teachers and schools can expect to encounter in a learning situation. We will also discuss the importance of building positive relationships with Muslim families and the benefits of incorporating diverse cultural perspectives into the classroom. By gaining a better understanding of these cultural practices, schools will be better equipped to engage and support Muslim ākonga and whānau and to create an inclusive and welcoming learning environment for all.