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Canterbury Primary Principals' Assoc.

CPPA Executive Pānui, Feb 10, 2023


Nau mai Haere mai!

by Sandy Hastings

Nau mai Haere mai! Welcome to the start of the 2023 school year.

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Welcome to new principals across the CPPA Region

by Sandy Hastings

As is always the case at the start of a new year, we have many schools across our region with newly appointed principals, First-Time-Principals, and Acting Principals at the helm. Please stay in contact with your colleagues and make sure this new transition for them is supported by us all.

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2023 CPPA Executive Election

by Adrienne & Peter Simpson

Voting will be open via the link to the google form in this article. Please read the Candidate statements before casting your votes. Voting is open from the 10th - 24th February.

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CPPA "Connect" Events Calendar 2023 full

by Shane Buckner

Log in to the CPPA website and click the Events Calendar to see what we have planned for 2023

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Mana Ake Practice Lead - Fixed term position for 2023 available

by Sandy Hastings

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