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Board of Trustees
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Casual Board Vacancy For Parent Representative

School Office —

The Carisbrook Board of Trustees has vacancies for up to two Parent representatives...

The Carisbrook Board of Trustees has vacancies for up to two Parent representatives, currently there are three (Justin Courtney (Chair), Viola Huch (Chair Community Consultation committee), Emily Scott (Deputy Chair, Chair HR committee)). 

Additionally, in 2021 the Board co-opted local chartered accountant Michael Callander (Chair Finance & Property committee) to our board for a 2-year term.

At our recent board meeting on 23 August 2022 the board agreed to fill the vacancies by selection. This means the board can appoint parent trustees without the need to go through a by-election process.

If 10% or more of eligible voters on the school roll ask the board, within 28 days of this notice being published, to hold a by-election to fill this vacancy instead, then a by-election will be held.

Request for a by-election should be in writing and sent to the Board Chair, by Friday 14th October 2022.

Justin Courtney Board Chair
