- — April 5, 2020
Policy and Procedures: In order to carry out effective governance of Carisbrook School the Carisbrook School Board of Trustees has developed the following policy framework. This framework outlines the roles and responsibilities of relevant parties and participants. This policy framework clearly distinguishes the contributions of the governing body (Board of Trustees) from the Carisbrook School management (Principal and/or delegates).
For more information on MoE Policies, including Physical Restraint please visit the following link
The Board of Trustees is entrusted to work on behalf of all stakeholders and is accountable for 2 Carisbrook School’s performance. It emphasises strategic leadership, sets the vision for the school and ensures that it complies with legal and policy requirements. Policies are at a governance level and outline clear delegations to the Principal. The Board of Trustees and Principal form the leadership team with the role of each, documented and understood. The Principal reports to the Board of Trustees as a whole with committees used sparingly and only when a need is identified in order to contribute to the Board of Trustees’ work. The board is proactive rather than reactive in its operations and decision-making and does not involve itself in the administrative details of the day-to-day running of the school. Enhancing student achievement is its focus.
The Board of Trustees delegates all authority and accountability for the day-to-day operational organisation of Carisbrook School to the Principal who must ensure compliance with both the Carisbrook School Board of Trustee’s Policy Framework and the laws of New Zealand. The Principal may delegate aspects of the day-to-day operations of Carisbrook School. However the Principal remains responsible and accountable within their role.
Strategic: Full document attached below
Self Review: Full document attached below
Procedure to deal with Concerns and Complaints at School