by Lauren Pugh
- — March 31, 2020
Carisbrook School is focussed on providing opportunities and support for students to reach their full potential.
Carisbrook School provides a number of programmes to boost student achievement in Literacy and Mathematics including the following. These support programmes are intervention programmes and can range from a few weeks to whole year duration.
The Reading Recovery programme is a Literacy acceleration programme targeting six year old students. Each student receives half an hour each day in a one to one session for an average of 20 weeks with a qualified Reading Recovery teacher.
Carisbrook School employ a part time mathematics specialist teacher, Mrs Wendy Fairbairn to provide support and extension programmes for groups of students in identified areas. We have seen great results from this initiative both in academic achievement and in the positive attitude towards maths. The accelerated maths programmes provide students with additional maths sessions each week focussing on the identified areas of need. Students remain in the MST programme until they have met their targets.
We operate this programme in conjunction with United Way who have provided the furnishings and reading material for this programme. Three groups of eight students participate in this programme on a Tuesday and Thursday morning. The Reading Oasis Tutors are University of Otago volunteers who provide the students with the opportunity to be read to as well as reading with the tutors.