Carisbrook is a Duffy School

-April 5, 2020

The Duffy Foundation's Vision is “To inspire a love of books in Duffy children so they become adults who inspire a love of reading.”

Carisbrook is proud of being a Duffy School. It allows us to give every student books. Books to take home, books they can call their own. Books written and published recently.

Being a Duffy School means we get;

  • A minimum of five free books each year
  • Books for our class awards for Caught Being Good (CBG)
  • A chance to receive regular weekly book awards CBG
  • Mum/Dad/Grandparent awards each year
  • Role Model assemblies twice a year
  • Duffy Theatre show once a year
  • Free start school packs for new entrants
  • Mainfreight Award for Excellence in attitude which is awarded at the Final Assembly for the Year.
  • Other prizes throughout the year with Duffy Books programme
Image by: Katrina Munro

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