Hero photograph
Photo by Courteney Bull

Room 7's Home Learning

Courteney Bull —

Highlights of Room 7's home learning:

Mahi Time

For Mahi Time we have been completing challenges based around articles we have been reading online. This week our focus has been on ANZAC Day. We have really enjoyed learning about the importance of ANZAC Day in New Zealand. Room 7 have been making slideshows, posters and creating uniforms for soldiers to wear.


For writing Room 7 have been completing the daily writing challenge from Write That Essay. Students have enjoyed challenging themselves with new stories everyday. It has been great to see the creative stories Room 7 have been coming up with! We have also been using a website called NoRedInk to help us with our grammar and punctuation learning. 

Afternoon Activities

In the afternoons Room 7 have been using this time to work on their wider curriculum task board. We have been doing things like cooking, Casebrook Challenge, music, dance, film study and much more. I have really enjoyed seeing the awesome photos being shared! Lucia went on a nature photography walk, Emma made art using cotton buds and Elijah made an online piece of music! There are so many more awesome things happening in our classroom.

Google Hangouts

We have been using Google Hangouts as a way to stay connected to one another. Room 7 have two Google Hangouts with me a week. In our hangouts we share what we have been doing for our learning and the class love our weekly Kahoot Quizzes! Our reigning champs from each group last week are Ari, Humnah, Elijah and Andrew. Google Hangouts are also a great way for students to maintain social interactions with their peers.

I am so proud of how hard Room 7 have been working in their bubbles! Keep up the awesome work team :)