Hero photograph
Photo by Paul Cook

Many small parts create a stronger whole.

Paul Cook —

The Landscape Extension Group have been working hard to solve a little known but serious problem.

The Landscape Extension Group have been strengthening the greenhouse situated between the music and food rooms.  

The glasshouse (actually polycarbonate coreflute plastic) has been installed for about a year now. However it proved to be vulnerable to having glazing panels pushed out from the frame.

Enter Mr Cook and the dedicated team of workers of the Landscape Group.  This group works on the last 1 hour and 20 minutes of the school week, using Friday afternoons to enhance the school outdoor environment.  

For this project they started by making cardboard mockups of the brackets needed. Each panel needed a variety of shaped brackets to fit the green plastic framework. Getting the folds right and holes in the correct place was the challenge at this stage. Once the 6 different kinds of brackets were decided upon the the next stage was to make them in aluminium.  Up to 60 of the most common one!

Then came fitting the brackets in place.  Team work!  Working in pairs - one person inside, one outside - lining things up, drilling through the coreflute and finally bolting through the lot to clamp everything together. Lots of verbal communication made this stage work.

And now it's done. 

 A stronger, more useful and secure glasshouse for Casebrook Intermediates gardening use.