Joshua Wilson and Joshua Halliday — Oct 31, 2017

Digi tech is a class that teaches students how to use a range of digital technology to enhance their learning.

Each class goes to Digi tech once a week to learn new skills. Mrs Kelleher always has fun lessons for us to learn. Here are just some of the things we do in the Digi space each week.

ROBOTICS: is a group of people that code mini robots to do specific stuff eg: take a block from one place to another and so on.

CHROMEBOOKS: students use chromebooks to create documents and presentations, save work on, and make it public so you can share it to your family/friends.

CODING: Scratch Coding is an activity that is used for having fun with problem solving and logic while learning how to programme in a creative way.

SCRATCH: Scratch is an online site that is used to code games and make stories.

COMPUTER SCIENCE: Students learn about Binary Digits and focus on computational thinking to solve problems.