Will Stribling — Feb 4, 2019

Casebrook Intermediate is a PB4L school (Positive Behaviour For Learning).

We believe that positive behaviour in our school ensures better academic achievements for all our students.

To ensure this happens we have three expectations that every student is asked to adhere to as best they can, as often as they can:




At Casebrook we demonstrate our expectations through:

RESPECT (Whakaute) - for yourself, your peers, your school, your community.

EXCELLENCE (Panekiretanga) - strive to achieve your best, celebrate success.

PERSEVERANCE (Hiringa) - set goals, show determination, thrive in adversity, adapt to change.

REP Cards Explained:

At Casebrook we distribute REP cards when students display these expected behaviours. This happens frequently...so much so that in 2018 we handed out over 22,000 REP cards!

Students will get REP cards for doing normal things, not only exemplary stuff. Students will talk to you about getting REP cards for being at school on time, ordering their lunch correctly, wearing uniform, being organised, doing school work, reading books, saying hello, locking their bike - the list goes on!

In 2019 our students will be aiming to receive 40 REP cards for each of the REP expectations over their two years at Casebrook.

40 REP cards will earn a student a Respect, Excellence or Perseverance badge in their house colour. We make a big deal of these in assemblies.

The incentive for students who who have received all REP badges is to gain a Casebrook Super REP badge. These are awarded to students who receive 60 REP cards in each of the expectations during their two years at Casebrook.

Teachers will be sending home postcards once a student achieves a badge as invites so that parents can join us in assemblies.

REP Lessons:

Every fortnight our school focuses on a social skill or routine we expect our students to display. Each classroom teacher will teach their students what we expect and how to achieve these expectations consistently. These lessons are essential to the our REP values and expectations being adhered to by all in our community.

REP at Home:

We encourage you to talk about REP cards at home with your children. They should know how many they have in each expectation and share their badge achievements with you. Please celebrate these achievements at home too!

We are really proud of our Casebrook REPs and look forward to watching our students achieving their badges over their two years with us.

The Casebrook PB4L Team