Sharon Keen — May 1, 2023

Term Two is time when we can really focus on our students engagement both in the classroom and in extension and enrichment activities. We monitor all our young people closely to ensure they are engaged in cultural, sporting or the arts activities as we see this engagement as essential to their development as a person.

We encourage you to talk to your child about what they are doing both in class and outside of it as we know those that have interests are more likely to attend school regularly and experience success which in its self is a motivator.

We are also continuing to monitor the attendance of our young people.  Tom Straker has time to do this and is there to assist if you need any help with your child attending school regularly.  This is not intended to be punitive but supportive and assist with overcoming any issues that can lead to poor attendance.  Tom has included some guidelines later in the newsletter. Please contact him if you have questions or concerns.  We appreciate your support with this and know that after the disruptions of the past few years there are often challenges. 

All of our extension and enrichment activities are up and running, with the exception of Kapa Haka which will start mid May.  The tutors are returning from a sabbatical.

As a staff we really appreciate the positive way our students are reacting to all that Casebrook Te Kura Mareko has to offer.  The levels of engagement are better than any other year group. 

However, we know that at time there can be difficulties and if and when this happens please don't hesitate to contact us.  We have many ways we can offer support.

Nāku iti noa

Sharon Keen

Principal - Tumuaki