Hero video
REP Video Respect in our driveay
Video by Casebrookint Chch

School Wide REP Focus

Trina Wilkinson —

The REP focus for the next two weeks is Showing Respect in our Driveway and the School Crossing.

When walking to school, the expectations are: walk through the footpath gate, stay on the footpath and if avoid the field during the winter terms.

A lot of students bike, scooter or skateboard to school and to keep them safe, students are reminded to: dismount their wheels when entering the front gate, stay between the footpath and yellow lines, getting off at the old dental clinic and walking their wheels through to the bike compound where they should lock them securely.

If your child is coming to school in a car; we ask that they are dropped off at the school gate and not in the grounds, students to walk down the footpath into the school grounds. 

We are incredibly lucky that we have a great team of students who volunteer their own time before and after school to ensure we are kept safe on the roads outside of our school.

We must show them respect while at the crossing, and follow their instructions.

The pedestrian hold line is where students need to wait behind until the road patrollers have said it is safe to cross.