Hero photograph
Photo by Christine Gillard

Casebrook is the 'School of Opportunity' and so this year we are working hard to ensure all our students have the opportunity to be engaged in a range of activities additional to those offered within the classroom programme.

Sharon Keen —

We encourage all students to be involved in either sporting, cultural, music or the arts as an extension of their learning. This is important, particularly at this age as our young people are developing the skills and traits they will have as adults. By having as many experiences as possible they develop confidence. This will assist them in realising their potential as they move into adulthood. If you feel your child needs additional encouragement, please contact Mr Will Stribling. He will be happy to work with you.

Te Reo extension has been a popular option for many students and now to cater to a growing demand we are trialling, 'Māori Made Easy' and 'Nōku te ao', a cultural enrichment group.    

We look forward to you joining us on Thursday 7 June at 5:00pm in the school hall for 'Kapa Haka and Kai."  Our Pasifika  group will also be involved.  This is an evening when our students prepare the food and entertain you.  All you have to do come along and support them. Last years was a great success.

I would like to acknowledge two of our Year 8 students, Sam Hicks and Jacob Wallwork.  Last week on the way home a Year 7 student was knocked off his bike and the driver of the car only stopped briefly.  The two boys went to the aid of the student who although not badly injured was very shaken and his bike unrideable.  They helped him ring home and waited with him.  True examples of Casebrook REPs.  Well done and thank you Sam and Jacob. 

If at any time you have questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact your child's teacher, or myself.

Have a safe and happy long weekend.

Sharon Keen
