Will Stribling — Aug 8, 2018

Last weeks’ Open Night gave Casebrook students and staff a chance to showcase the great learning that takes place here at Casebrook.

The student's helped ensure the successful night with their enthusiasm and enagagemnt in their roles of representatives of the school. Thank you to our community for your support and to our staff for their extra efforts.

Here are a couple of samples of feedback that we have received since the open night:

John Parsons a leading expert in cyber safety has been working with classes today. A reminder that tonight he will be holding a parents evening in the hall from 7.00-8.30pm. This is a must for all parents.

Thank you for your ongoing support with the NZEI actions. We realise this a considerable inconvenience for families. Please be aware that the over-riding aim for this action is for teaching to become a better supported and resourced profession which enables teachers to provide more for children.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns please contact me or the classroom teacher .

Will Stribling

Assistant Principal