Will Stribling — Sep 29, 2021

Kia ora koutou,

Our school has been selected by the Ministry of Education to take part in research about the Positive Behaviour Learning School-wide (PB4L-SW) framework, which we have been implementing since 2013 PB4L-SW is one of the many initiatives we use to help us create positive, safe, supportive environments that promote wellbeing for all learners. 

We invite you to tell us a story about one experience you have had at our school that shows who we are and how we do things around here. By listening to the many voices at our school and in our community, we hope to understand more about the things that are important to us, so that we can spend more time doing those things, and less time doing the things that are not so important. Your stories will help us make our school an even better place for all our learners.

The survey will take approximately fifteen to twenty minutes to complete.Early next year, we will give you some feedback about all of the stories we collected, and any actions that we intend to take.

You can enter your story online by clicking this link Casebrook Intermediate PB4L survey. We would appreciate you completing the survey by Wednesday 3rd November.

We appreciate you sharing your experiences with us. If you have any questions about the survey, please feel free to ask us for support.

Ngā mihi nui,

Will Stribling