Hero photograph
Photo by Nick Leith

Casebrook Celebrates 50 Years

Sharon Keen —

On Friday afternoon the students were entertained by Mrs Patricia Stoneman, as she recounted stories about schooling in the sixties.  It is incredible how much has changed and yet how the beliefs and values remain very similar.

Last week was our school athletics day.  Thank you very much to Miss Charlotte Gardner for great organisation that ensured it was another successful event.

Congratulations to the two Waterpolo teams who competed in Dunedin. They scored more goals than ever before and the A Team was placed fourth.  A great effort.  Thank you to the parents who assisted with transport and a special thank you to Miss Emily Mordue and Mr Mark Russell.

Our Korean Dance Group performed in the K-Pop Competition on Saturday. Thank you very much to Mrs Judy Kim, their teacher, and Mrs Tracy Goulden for supporting the girls.

Next week on Wednesday and Thursday nights we have our "Creativity Plus" display in the school hall.  This is a fantastic event where the work students have completed in the Specialist rooms is displayed and our performance groups provide background entertainment.  Further details are provided later in the newsletter.

If your child is in Year 7 they should have brought home a notice regarding their Year 8 teacher.  A number of Year 7 staff will be continuing with the same class next year and for many students this provides consistency but, some benefit from a change of teacher.  Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.  

The end of the year and the many activities associated with it are fast approaching so please keep an eye on the calendar.  

As always, if you have any questions or concerns please contact us.


Sharon Keen
