Will Stribling — Oct 31, 2018

On the sporting front we have had our Casebrook basketball and volleyball teams competing at the Canterbury Intermediate and Middle Schooling (CAIMS) Invitation tournament over two days. The water polo squad have competed at the Canterbury Water Polo Tournament and the South Island Water Polo Tournament in Dunedin.

Last Friday night members of the Casebook Choir took part in the CSMF Performance at Horncastle Arena. Well done for your perseverance that you have shown in all the practice you have put in to learn all the songs.

A big thank you must go out to the parents, coaches and staff that have helped out with these teams and groups.

Casebrook prides itself on its implementation of Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) to date. Over the past two weeks the Casebrook staff have been undergoing training on the implementation of Restorative Practices into our PB4L programme. Thank you for your support in enabling us to close Casebrook early over recent Wednesday afternoons.

Last night Andrew Lines spoke to the community in the school hall about navigating the struggles of parenting in the 21st century whilst offering a common sense, proactive approach to developing our children into fine young adults. Thank you to those parents who supported this event.

The hard work continues from the Casebrook PTA in their fundraising efforts in raising money for a school van. Their current initiative is the Bohemian Rhapsody Movie Night and raffle . If you are interested in attending or supporting  please email Rachel - rachelmaule@xtra.co.nz.

Please deposit money into:

Casebrook PTA 031702 0084215 00 account

Particulars: MOVIE Reference: SURNAME and Number of Tickets.

Thank you for your ongoing support with the NZEI actions. We realise that the possibility of strike action is a considerable inconvenience for families. Please be aware that the over-riding aim for this action is for teaching to become a better supported and resourced profession which enables teachers to provide more for children.

As always if you have any questions or concerns please contact me.

Will Stribling

Assistant Principal