Hero photograph
Photo by Christine Gillard

Tēnā Koutou Kātoa - Welcome to Casebrook in 2019

Sharon Keen —

Thank you all for the excellent start to the year. Our new Year 7's look great and are very eager to become involved in the life of our school. Our Year 8 students are proudly taking on the role of leaders and demonstrating what it is to be a Casebrook REP. We are all looking forward to a great year.

Thank you to those who were present at the Mihi Whakatu on Monday morning.  The event is significant as it welcomes all new comers to become part of our school community.  The next formal opportunity to meet with staff is the Meet the Teacher evening on Tuesday 19.  This involves a meeting in your child's classroom followed by a presentation in the hall that will outline how our Casebrook Challenge programme operates and an explanation about our use of devices and our Digital learning programme.

If you have not already done so we encourage you to down load the Casebrook App.  It is free and has become one of our main means of communication.

Please ensure all your child's uniform is named.  We appreciate the cost involved in purchasing all the various items but ask you to remember we have over 450 students and so returning or finding lost items is difficult without names.

Included in this newsletter is a list of staff and the room or area they work in.  We welcome a number of new staff and some who have returned from various types of leave. I have no doubt they will all contribute to making it a fabulous year of learning for our students.

I wish to congratulate Mr Nick Leith, our Deputy Principal who has been awarded study leave for much of the year.  He will still be in the school at times but in his absence we have Mr Will Stribling and Mrs Bev Bell working in the office as Assistant Principals. 

We appreciate the beginning of a new year can bring uncertainty and questions and so encourage you to talk with your child's teacher or any of us working in the office.  Mr Mark Russell is often a good place to start as his main responsibility is the well being of our young people and their whānau.

This newsletter will be publised once a fortnight so please be sure to read it as it will keep you informed about all that is happening in the school.

Nāku iti noa


Sharon Keen
