Hero photograph
Photo by Christine Gillard

Year 8 camps are finished, the Year 7 trek and activity days are completed and we will move into a more settled and regular timetable.

Will Stribling —

This means mathematics interchange, extension and enrichment programmes are all underway.

We would like to thank you all for your support with our camps and activity days. We were generally very lucky to experience warm summer days for these events. For those of you who have given your time and energy to parent help on these days, we look forward to you joining the staff for the EOTC thank you drinks and nibbles in staffroom tonight at 7pm.

Last Friday we had our first house competition for the year, the always popular tug-of-war. This saw every student taking part in representing their house in order to earn points for their respective houses. A great afternoon was had by all and we look forward to the future house events.

On Tuesday a number of students took part in the Summer Tournament over a number of sports. This was the first chance for the majority of the teams to compete against other schools this year. Unfortunately the day was brought to an early finish due to the weather, these teams will compete again in a weekly summer sport competition in term four.

The year has had a great start. The Year 7 students are settling well and the Year 8 students are modelling what it means to be a Casebrook REP. We appreciate the ongoing support we receive from our community, a young person’s education is most successful when the school and home work together so please keep involved.

If you have any questions or concerns do not hesitate to contact the classroom teacher or the staff in the office.

Will Stribling

Assistant Principal