Hero photograph
Ashton's ANZAC learning
Photo by Genevieve Feron

Room 9 Tackles Online Learning Head On!

Genevieve Feron —

Online learning? No problem! Room 9 has risen to the challenge of getting creative and sharing their learning online. Here's some of what we have been up to...

It was wonderful to see the students of Room 9 demonstrate REP as we embarked on our online learning journey. Their perseverance while getting their head around Seesaw, Google Drive, and checking emails regularly (just to name a few things) has been admirable. 

Morning Warm Ups

Each morning, a 'morning warm up' is sent out. Students get the chance to switch on their brains and get creative. The tasks have ranged from making a poster for a snail race to describing what happens next when you find out your teacher has turned into an alien!


Our literacy contracts integrate our current inquiry on 'Tūrangawaewae'. The most recent contract has been learning about ANZAC and relating it back to our own personal experiences. Many students from Room 9 chose to bake some ANZAC biscuits with their whānau as a way to reflect on this important day. 

On top of our literacy contract, each student is currently undertaking a novel study (either through online books or audiobooks). It has been great being about to discuss our progress through our reading group Google Hangouts. 


We have moved on from our recent descriptive writing focus and immersed ourselves into poetry! Over the past week, we have been looking at different types of poetry and investigating some of their features, as well as writing our own synonym poems. Our focus on descriptive language at the end of the last term and beginning of this term is going to come in handy when creating our own anthologies.

This is just a small snapshot of what Room 9 has been busy doing! A massive thank you to our whānau who have supported their children with their work and transitioning to online learning - it's greatly appreciated!