Hero photograph
Photo by Christine Gillard

Drama Showcase Coming Up!!

Jeff Case —

As many of you will have heard, lots of kids have been out of class rehearsing for our drama showcase and I was privileged to interview Chichi from Room 9 to see how it's going.

She is playing Perstephine in the showcase section titled “Perstephine Goes Underground” (a comic retelling of a classic Greek myth).

Chichi told me that the most challenging thing so far has been learning all of her lines in only two weeks but she said if you are taking your lines home there should be no problem. I also asked her if she liked having lots of little plays in one; she thinks that is a great idea to have lots of little ones because not everyone likes the same plays, and it gives everyone a chance to shine. Finally, Chichi said she thought we should do it every year because it's a lot of fun and requires students to practise and use our school values, as well as if there are new kids they will not get to have a go. Overall, she is excited about performing!