Nick Leith — May 21, 2015

An action-packed two weeks of learning, sport, cultural pursuits and community action.

Our school has had an incredibly busy couple of weeks — reflecting how involved our students have been in the varied areas of Intermediate school life.

Our Year Seven students have been swimming at Graham Condon Pool. The 'weather gods' shone brightly as they almost avoided any rain for their daily walk to the pool. 

Hagley Sport and YMCA Basketball is well underway, allowing our students the opportunity to excel in their selected sports.  As always, Casebrook students have competed with enthusiasm and in good spirits, qualities we are very proud of and true to the REP expectations we value. We are very fortunate to have a teaching staff who can give up so much time to help train and prepare our teams. 

A big thank you must also go to our parents who are able to give up their time helping out with sports teams or coming to games to support our young folk.

Our Cross Country event always brings out determined performances and personal bests from many of our students, whilst the idea of finishing with as less walking as possible is a goal for others.  

The student leadership team have been involved in some special Cluster student forums, held at Papanui High School and here at Casebrook. These forums included students from our contributing primary schools and focused on what students want to know about and the support they need before coming to Casebrook or moving on to High School - some really powerful 'student voice' was heard.

Last Friday saw Casebrook host the Canterbury Edible Gardens Hui. This was a big event that involved school groups and teachers from all over the Canterbury region. We are extremely proud of our Casebrook Edible Garden and the hard work that our students put in every Friday afternoon under the guidance of our resident green thumb, Mrs Lauren Dick-McCann.

We have our 'Contributing Schools' visits coming over the next couple of weeks. These are a real opportunity to share with our community, and future students and their families, the powerful learning and enriching programmes our teachers and support staff work so hard to provide for our students. 

Thanks for your ongoing support during this action-packed term.