Hero photograph
John Parsons presents to classes
Photo by Nick Leith

John Parsons - Cyber Safety Visit

Nick Leith —

John Parsons is a leading cyber-safety expert for schools. He spent Friday last week with staff and students discussing and advising how to interact in an online environment.

Staff spent some breakfast professional development with John whilst all students in the school attended a presentation during the day.

John's message is simple and powerful:  Kids must know their boundaries either digitally or in real-life, protecting themselves from risk with clear strategies and good communication. Our students are at an age that makes it so important to hear such a message.

John also presented to parents at Chisnallwood Intermediate on Thursday evening. Thanks to those of you who took up the opportunity to hear him speak there. I know those parents who did attend found it extremely worthwhile.

We hope to get John back to Casebrook in the very near future.